NAMI Completed

Change mindset, make giant steps

Token Price
1 NAMI = 1,100 VNDC
Session Supply
20,000,000 NAMI
Start time


NAMI is a cryptocurrency that runs throughout the ecosystem of Nami Corporation, most used on the Nami Exchange. It is used to convert or deduct transaction fees, pay interest on the holding rate,...and many other products and services on the platform of Nami Corporation.

About Nami Corporation
Nami Corporation is a Startup Fintech operating in the field of investment and technology based on Blockchain platform. With the slogan "Change mindset, make giant steps", Nami has built and developed an ecosystem of financial products and services to fully support investors, optimize operations and profits of the community such as Nami Future, Nami Exchange,...

NAMI Token

Ticker NAMI
Token Standard ERC20
Token Type Token Exchange
Blockchain Ethereum
Total Token Supply 86,000,000 NAMI
Session Supply 20,000,000 NAMI

NAMI Token

Token Price 1 NAMI = 1,100 VNDC
Session Supply 20,000,000 NAMI
Start time 04/01/2021
Lock policy 70% giá trị Token
Lock time 2 months
Sold 34.60%